Knowledge Forum Dashboard Think Tank

On August 19th over 30 members of the global Knowledge Building community came together for a design meeting to discuss ongoing work and future directions for the development of a Knowledge Forum assessment dashboard.

Four teams from around the world presented prototypes and ideas for individual and community-based analytics specially designed to assess and drive forward knowledge building work:

“Designing a collaborative dashboard for teacher Knowledge Building communities” – Chew Lee Teo and Alwyn Vwen Yen Lee, National Institute of Education, Singapore.

“Affective learning analytics for interactive Knowledge Building” – Preeti Raman, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Canada.

Knowledge Forum Teacher’s Dashboard” – Sarah Lu and Hugo Change, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Canada.

Busy Teacher’s Perspective!” – Fernando Díaz del Castillo, Gimnasio La Montaña, Colombia.

Design ideas presented during this session will form the basis of development workshops that will take place during the KBSI2021 virtual conference this coming November.

To request access to the full meeting recording or presenter resources, please contact Monica at [email protected].