In 2015 a hackthon/desing jam was organized at Aeres Applied University (UAS) Wageningen in the Netherlands (De Jong, Matszuzawa, Teplov, Bodong, Aalst, et al.; 2015). Some of the learning analytics in the current KF6 result from that week. Participants were enthusiastic and intended to do this over again in the future. The next activity was the symposium at CSCL (De Jong et al., 2017) It took me some years to find some sponsoring again, but I had a little success this year. So, in the last week of November (25-30) we are organizing a second Hackathon/jam design week. During KBSI2018 this week became part of a bigger process of upgrading the KF user interface, for which some activities will organized In Japan (March 2019), during AERA 2019 annual meeting in Toronto and of course throughout Knowledge Building 2019 meetings.
The Hackathon/design jam week in November 25-30, 2018 at Aeres UAS Wageningen in the Netherlands will focus on the one hand making the learning analytics more user friendly for teachers and students. On the other hand to ‘design-on’ and making some of analytics more semantic analytical. Participation will be face-to-face collaboration at Aeres UAS and virtual.
The weeks start on the Monday with input from teachers and students with their experiences and ideas for improvement and needs. End the end of the week results will be demonstrated to them. In between participants will work on the ideas, virtual meetings will be held for input, collaboration, feedback and feedforward from those who are interested to bring in their expertise and experiences.
At the moment the following participants will participate in Wageningen: Yoshiaki Matsuzawa (KBDex; KF-code, software engineering) School of Social Informatics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan; Prof. dr. Sylvie Ratté (Linguistic engineering Knowledge representation, Formal language ,Visual language, Ontology, Semantic interpretation of natural languages, Artificial intelligence)Laboratoire d’ingénierie Cognitive Sémantique, Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS), Montreal, University of Quebec, Canada; Erick Velazquez, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering;natural language processing and data mining), Postdoc at University of Potsdam, Germany; Veronic Segarra Faggiono Ph.D-student Laboratoire d’ingénierie Cognitive Sémantique, Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS), Montreal, University of Quebec, Canada; Prof. dr. Therese Laferriere Sciences Education, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada; Gabriel Demers Sciences Education, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada; Simon Duguay
Sciences Education, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada; Dr. Ole Smordal Head of EngageLab, Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway; Richard Nesnass MSc. Developer, software engineering (implementation of Talkwall) at EngageLab, Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway; Jan van Aalst, Associate Professor Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. Teachers and students from AERES Wageningen and VET-schools. Rik van Steenbergen, AHW BA-student doing his BA-thesis on learning analytics.
On-line participation: Prof. dr. Carl Bereiter & prof. dr. Marlene Scardamalia OISE/University of Toronto, IKIT, Toronto, Canada; Fernando Díaz del Castillo H. Director de Innovación y Desarrollo Gimnasio La Montaña, Colombia; Bodong Chen Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Learning Technologies, College of Education and Human Development
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, USA; Chris Teplov Ph.D. Lecturer & Research Scientist, School of Information, University of Michigan North Quad, USA.
If you are Interested to participate at Wageningen or on-line virtually please let me know by e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]